Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dec. 5-9, 2010

This week the homework packet for Raising Dragons will be due on Friday. Please be sure to sign and/or initial each page in the packet. We finished up chapter 8 (measurement) on Friday and will begin Geometry on Monday. Please continue to review multiplication facts with your child, especially the 6s through 9s. Students are expected to learn and know these after Winter Break.

The new reading log was sent home for both December and January. Several students forget to bring them in on Friday for me to check, so if you can remind them that would be great!

Our field trip to the Museum of Natural History is coming up on December 14. Mrs. Colassa has contacted you if the driver insurance needs to be updated. Also, if you would like to chaperone and drive with another parent, let me know. We have a lot of drivers and can double up if you like. The cost of this field trip is $2.00 per student (parents are free).

I also spoke to Mrs. Ortiz about organizing the holiday party. We were thinking about Wednesday, December 22 from 12:15 to 1:15. Parents can set up while the students are at lunch. An email should be coming your way soon. Let us know if you are free to help or have a nice art project.

Thanks for all the pencils that have come in this week. Please continue to send them our way. If you have Dixon pencils, even better. I've noticed that they work the best.

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