Wednesday, March 27, 2013

April 8-12, 2013

Hello all! Your children did a wonderful job on their Famous American speeches. Each year I am impressed with how well the students do. I'm very proud of them! When we return from Spring Break a spelling packet for Pepita Talks Twice will be sent home and is due on Friday April 12. We will also have our daily math focusing on multiplication of larger numbers. We are going to "launch" into space with a science unit covering our Solar System. This is a fun one filled with many art and writing activities.

As the year winds down, please remind students of rules and that we still have 2 months of learning to go. CST testing will begin the week of April 29 to May 10.

Have a WONDERFUL spring break!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 25-29, 2013

Hello Room 21 Families! Our focus this week is getting our Famous American speeches behind us. I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing your children (hopefully in costume) on Monday and Tuesday. A letter was sent home 2 weeks ago with a schedule and rubric attached. Please practice with your child this weekend. We will NOT have a homework packet this week, only nightly math homework. I'm sure the kids will be happy about that.

In math, we are finishing decimals and money and moving toward 2-3 digit multiplication. A weekly multiplication facts quiz is given on Fridays. Many kids are making progress, but still need to practice the automaticity of facts.

Thank you to Mrs. Horton for supplying the class with LOTS of pencils and wipes. They are always much appreciated.

Have a wonderful Spring Break!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 18-22, 2013

Hello parents! The packet for Trapped by the Ice will go home Monday and is due Friday. A reminder that Famous American Speeches will be held the following Monday, March 25 and Tuesday, March 26. Please be sure your child practices at home and is well prepared. As mentioned in my letter, you are more than welcome to watch your child give his/her  speech to the class. If you have any questions about the presentation, please email me.

A letter written by your child was sent home last week (3/13) regarding playground rules. Spring Fever is in full bloom and many students have forgotten, or shall I say "are not following the playground rules." All 3rd grade classes discussed the rules during PE and wrote them down to review with you and sign.

If you have any wipes or pencils, they would be greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 11-15, 2013

A big thank you to all the parents who drove on the field trip. We have one more coming up in May, so if you didn't get a chance to join us, you can come along then.

This week's packet for Yunmi and Halmoni's trip will go home Monday and is due on Friday. Last week, students were finishing up their speeches is class. Most of them were sent home Thursday or Friday either finished or not. Those who finished their final draft should begin practicing their speech. Those who did not will need to be finished at home. A letter was sent home last week which included a scoring rubric as well as schedule. Speeches will be held Monday, March 25 and Tuesday, March 26.

Reports cards will also go home this Friday. In the reading/ELA section you will find an AR score. These scores are not the tell all for where your child is, it is more of a range. This trimester grades were based on their performance in RTI.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend and please send in pencils if you can.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 4-8, 2013

Hello! Can't believe March is here already. This is the last week of trimester 2, so report cards will go home next week. Only a few more months of 3rd grade to go. Students have been working on their famous American reports/ speeches. We'll continue to work on them this week in class and then they'll be sent home. Speeches will be on Monday, March 25 and Tuesday, March 26. Kids signed up last week when they wanted to give their speech, so a copy of the schedule will go home the end of the week.

The spelling packet for Across the Wide Dark Sea will be due this Friday. In math we are continuing with fractions and will move into decimals. A multiplication quiz from 0-6 is given once a week. Usually in Fridays. Most kids have a good grasp of the basic facts but get stuck on 7s and 8s.

Our field trip to the Museum of Art History is this Friday, March 8. If you are a driver/chaperone please be at Rio by 8:45. Our tour begins at 9:30. Ttraffic can be unpredictable at that time, so 45 minutes should give us plenty if time.

Have a great weekend!
Wish list: pencils:)