Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oct. 24-28, 2011

Hope you are all enjoying the wonderful fall weather! This will be my last blog until I return from maternity leave. Miss Terry will notify you all by email and/or letter when she begins the week of Oct. 31. It has been wonderful working with your children and will be nice to see all of the progress they make by the time I return in the Spring.

Here are some updates for the week. The homework packet for Dancing Rainbows will go home tomorrow and is due on Friday. We kicked off multiplication last week and will continue learning/practicing the facts over the next month or so. Please be sure to practice at home as the 1-10s need to be memorized by the end of 3rd grade. Many students were very excited to finally dive into multiplication.

This Tuesday we are going on a field trip to the Aptos Museum. Our tour is from 10:15-11:15, so if you are driving, please show up at 9:55 so we can load up the cars and head over. It is located at the Visitor Center across the street from the Best Western on State Park Dr.

Also, lice has been going around our school once again. If notice any itchy heads, our school nurse can check your child for nits.

Our Halloween Party is planned for Oct. 31 from 10-11:00. Contact Mrs. Star if you are volunteering or have any questions.

Happy Sunday!

Wish List: Please send in wipes and tissues as the flu season approaches. Sharpened #2 pencils are also welcome.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Oct. 17-21, 2011

It was great meeting with you all during conferences. I hope the feedback you received about your child was helpful and will help them to succeed this school year. Miss Terry was excited to sit in and work with your children this past week. It should be a smooth transition for everyone.

The homework packet for this week is for The Talking Cloth. We just finished up subtraction and will move on to multiplication. You will find an attached multiplication fact sheet for the remainder of the school year. Please help your child learn these facts as they are crucial for 4th grade.

Our Halloween party is underway for Oct. 31. If you would like to help, please email Mrs. Star.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Oct. 10-14 Conference Week

Hope you are enjoying the sun. What a bizarre week we just had with the rain!

This week students will have a homework packet for Born to Rope due on Friday. Again, please complete the reading log every night. We will continue to work on subtracting greater numbers. Check your child's homework to be sure they are getting all of the steps. This can be a confusing concept for 3rd graders especially when subtracting across zeros.

Students were given their first lit circle job last wednesday. We did most of the reading in class, but whatever is not complete will need to be done at home and turned in by Wednesday or earlier.

Mrs. Star and I will be working out the details for the Halloween party on Oct. 31st. Keep your eyes out for an email. That will also be my last day with your kids for a while. Mrs. Terry will transition in that day and be with your children full time beginning November 1.

Have a great weekend and I'll see many of you this week at conferences.

Wish list: sharpened pencils

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Oct. 3-7, 2011

Hope you are enjoying the first days of October. Can't believe how quickly time is flying. On Monday I am sending home a reminder for Conference Week (Oct 10-14). If you signed up then please be sure your calendars are marked. If for some reason you can not make the time you signed up for, please let me know ASAP so we can change it. Also, there are a few who did not sign up. Please pick 2 times on the signup sheet and I will do my best to accommodate you. Mrs. Terry will join me during conferences to meet you.

The spelling packet for this week is back to normal. It consists of a spelling list for The Keeping Quilt,a practice book page, math subtraction, and a reading log. Be sure to sign the reading log each night.

Students will also be assigned their first Lit Circle book this week on Wednesday. Most of this will be done in class, but whatever is not complete by Friday will become homework. Students will not get into their groups until next week, so volunteers please begin coming then. I will call or email my Lit. Circle volunteers this week.

If you have not sent in the permission form or $1.00 for our field trip to the Aptos Museum on October 24, please do so this week.

Have a wonderful weekend!