Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Despite the weather on Friday, our field trip to the MAH in Downtown Santa Cruz, was a success. Thanks to all the parents who were able to come. A big thanks to the Miller's for stepping in to drive last minute! This Thursday we are still scheduled to attend the Peter Rabbit Performance at the Mello Center. I also wanted to give you a heads up regarding another field trip on February 25th to the Cabrillo College Planetarium. If you'd like to see what will be covered, you can go to: (That should get you to the instructor's page). Mr. Nolthenius only has times on Mondays at 1:00. This field trip will extend beyond the school day by about 30 minutes. If your child attends Magic Apple afterschool, I will try to arrange for a parent to take those students there. The remaining students will be brought back to school probably by around 2:30-2:45. I'll send permission slips home in a week or so.

Tomorrow, I'll send home the weekly reports, as usual. Please take a look at your child's multiplication test. This was given a week ago to let me know where they are at. Over the next few weeks, take the time to help practice the facts that are still unfamiliar.

Let's have a good week!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Field Trips

Good Morning! This Friday, our class is going to the Museum of Art History (MAH) in Downtown Santa Cruz. I have 4 drivers so far and am looking for more volunteers. If you are available to drive, please let me know. I need seats for 11 more students (4 parents approximately). Also, next Thursday 1st-3rd grade classes will be attending the Peter Rabbit play at the Mello Center in Watsonville. It is advised that chaperones carpool due to the limited parking at the event. Parents will not be allowed to come on the bus with the students. I will send out an email of the chaperones in our class.

Other updates:
Tomorrow I will send home the weekly reports with each student. These reports are just one way to let you know how your child is doing in class. Please sign and return the bottom portion so I know that your child has given it to you. I've revised the form and added a place to include their Spelling and Math test scores for the week.

I gave the homophone spelling test on Friday and was pleasantly surprised to see how well the students did. Since the class did well, I will not give the test again this week. They will get a spelling packet tomorrow with more homophone practice but will not be tested on the words this Friday.

I also gave a multiplication test last week and only a small handful of students seem to know them by heart. I bought a multiplication rap DVD which will be used as another way to learn the facts. Please continue to practice at home. It is crucial that students learn the facts by the end of 3rd grade.

Happy MLK today. See you tomorrow!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year!

Welcome back parents and students! I don't know about you, but it was great having a little r&r the past few weeks. Now that vacation is officially over, it's time to get back in the swing of things. I even got some time to look over the new science curriculum the district adopted, so we'll dive into that this month. I also got a multiplication rap DVD for the class to enjoy. It's fun to watch and just another way for those pesty multiplication facts to stick in our heads. I think the kids will enjoy it. Please continue to work with your child on memorizing their facts if they haven't learned them yet. It's a critical part of the 3rd grade math curriculum.

We have an upcoming field trip to the Museum of Art History(MAH)in Santa Cruz on January 25. I have heard wonderful things about the tour and look forward to taking the class there. Permission slips will go home Tuesday along with their weekly spelling packet. Please email me or send in a note if you would like to chaperone.

More Upcoming Events:
This month, we'll have a credentialed teacher come in for about 30 minutes per week to teach Spanish to the class.

There will also be a focus on Biographies for Social Studies. Students will need to write up a report about a famous American who made a difference in our country. A report description will be sent home within the next few weeks.

That's all for now! Thank you for the generous Christmas gifts. You are a caring group.