Sunday, January 31, 2010

Feb. 1-5, 2010

Tomorrow the day will begin with the Monday morning assembly in the upper grade playground. If your child is late to school, please remind them to look for the class there. It will be a nice way to kick off the week and beginning of February. Where has the time gone? We really only have 4 months of school to go until summer break.

The spelling packet for Two Days in May will go home tomorrow and will be due on Friday. A new reading log for February will also go home. You may begin to see Literature Circles come home for homework. Students get most of the work done in class, but will be given less time during the school day as we need to focus on writing. Lit. Circles are assigned every Tuesday and due the following Tuesday. Each child receives a book to read with a specific job to do (summarizer, discussion director, illustrator, passage picker, connector, and word watcher). If your child completes their job at home, please check and edit for them to correct. It should be neatly done and free of errors. It is important for each child to complete this assignment as it can impact their group when it is not complete.

In math, we began Chapter 12 (division) last week and will continue practicing this skill for the next 2 weeks. Please be sure to work on multiplication facts at home. As we know, there needs to be a strong understanding this year because it gets more complex in 4th grade.

Last, but not least, a big THANK YOU to the drivers who came on the field trip to the Aptos Museum on Friday. Remember that the next two Mondays (Feb. 8 and 15) are holidays, so we will not have school.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jan. 25-29, 2010

What a week! Lots and lots of rain and a power outage on Tuesday. Kudos to the parents who helped in the classroom and brought in light for us to see. We had flashlights, lanterns, headlamps... When situations like this arise, it reminds us of what a wonderful community of families we have at Rio del Mar. THANK YOU!

We're back to our regular homework schedule this week. A new spelling packet for Seal Surfer will go home Monday and is due Friday. We are finishing off Chapter 11 in math (solid figures and volume) and will have the test Monday. Chapter 12 will focus on division. Field trip permission forms are due this week with our field trip on Friday. We're still waiting for a few more and need 1-2 more drivers. The Aptos Museum asks for a $1.00 donation per student.

The Spectra Art teacher, Jenni Ward, will begin ceramics on Tuesday. She planned on beginning last Tuesday, but postponed her start time due to the weather. Mr. Harris also stepped into an unusual start to his student teaching assignment. I told him that as a teacher, you have to stay flexible because sometimes unexpected things like this happen. He is enjoying the students and learning their names and personalities. He will observe for 1 more week, then begin teaching a few lessons. In a few weeks, he will launch the 3rd grade Biography project. This is our Famous American project where the students are required to write a report and give an oral presentation. A letter explaining this project will go out in the next 2-3 weeks.

That's all for now! Enjoy the dry weekend.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 19-22, 2010

What a great way to ease back into school with a 3 day weekend. It was nice to see many cheery faces this past week as school resumed. We have a few changes beginning this Tuesday. We will have a student teacher named Mr. Harris in our class for the next 9 weeks. He is working on his credential through CSUMB and will help in our class everyday, all day. It will be nice to have the extra help and students will surely benefit from another adult in the room. Also, Jenni Ward(the Spectra Arts teacher)will begin ceramics with our class for the next 4 weeks. Students will work on a few different pieces which will be painted and glazed.

A reminder that our field trip to the Aptos Museum is scheduled for Friday, January 29th. Each child needs to bring in $1.00 to contribute towards the cost. We forgot to mention this on the permission form. So far, we only have a few drivers. If anyone else is able to drive, please let us know. It's a fairly short field trip, and will be done by 11:30, if not earlier.

The spelling packet for Nights of the Pufflings will be due this Friday. Some students already turned it in. Be sure to study the words as the test will be on Friday. A one- minute timed multiplication test(40 problems, 38 to pass) was given the other day and only 1 student passed. Please take the time each day to quiz your child on their facts. It is necessary that students learn the facts THIS year.

Have a great weekend and thank you to those whose donated pencils!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 12-15, 2010

Happy New Year 2010! Thank you all for the wonderful Christmas gifts, especially the certificate to Caress Day Spa. Just what we needed, some relaxation. We hope you all had a fantastic break and look forward to seeing some smiling (yet tired) faces Tuesday morning. Since we have 2 short weeks back to back, the spelling packet for Nights of the Pufflings won't be due until Friday, January 22. Math will resume as usual with a new chapter in 3 dimensional figures. Field Trip permission forms to the Aptos Museum will go home on Tuesday. If you are interested in driving, mark your calendars for Friday, January 29.

Thank you all for your help and support in and out of the classroom. We are lucky to have such a supportive parent community. See you soon!

WISH LIST- We are running low on the following items:

Antibacterial wipes
prizes for the reward box
raffle tickets (does anyone have a roll they aren't using?)