Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring is Here!

First of all, I'd like to thank Suzanne and all the other moms who helped organize the fun activities before Spring Break. It was a nice way to kick off the vacation. I can't believe we only have about 2 months until summer. April will be busy as we get geared up for the California State Tests. This time of year always seems to fly by so quickly.

I wanted to send a reminder that the March reading logs will be due on Monday, March 31 (the day we return). If for some reason, you have misplaced the reading log, you may also create your own that your child can turn in.

Also, I have only received about 4 donations for the "auction" gift basket that Mrs. Ziegler is putting together. I know you've already been so generous, but with the budget cuts hitting this year, anything will help.

Thank you again for all you do for Rio del Mar. Have a restful weekend!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day

I hope you all remember to wear green tomorrow! On that note, please remind your children that Monday is Spirit Day, and even though pinching is playful and fun, students need to be reminded of their boundries. This time of year with spring approaching, students seem to forget the rules. There were quite a few students last week during the 2 assemblies that were talking and not being respectful of the performers. I know an hour can be a long time to sit, but that is no excuse for poor behavior.

On the brighter side, I was so impressed with the amount of work and effort put into the Famous American speeches. Your children truly did a great job and I am so proud of them. Thank you for your patience and support during this process. I think we are all relieved to be done. On Monday, attached to their weekly reports, will be the scoring rubric with the number grade they received and my written notes in the corner.

This week I will send home a spelling packet with frequently misspelled words for homework. These are review words and since it is a short week, students will not have a spelling test. The only homework I am assigning during Spring Break is Lit. Circles. Students should also practice multiplication facts to the 12's.

Have a great week!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Biography Wrapup

I hope you haven't been too overwhelmed listening to your child practice for their presentations this week. Tomorrow, I'll send home a tentative schedule for the days and times students will be presenting. We'll begin Tuesday and hopefully finish up by Friday. If anyone would like to volunteer to video tape, let me know. Please have your child come to school prepared with their prop(s) and note cards(if needed). I'd like them to present in the 1st person as if they are the famous American. Their report should be in 3rd person, but I will accept it either way as some seemed a little confused with the assignment. This is a learning process for both the students and I. I have seen a lot of hard work and excitement that will pay off in the end. Thanks for all of your help ad support at home.

This Thursday morning we have an assembly from 8:00-8:50 during Lit. Circle time. So, Lit. Circles will be after lunch from 12:20-12:40. If you usually volunteer and can make it at that new time, great! Otherwise, don't worry about coming in that day. We'll be back to our normal time next week.

Also, report cards go out this Friday. The Social Studies grade will be based on their current work on biographies, but won't reflect their actual report or presentation grade. I'll send home the scoring rubric with their number grade (from a 1-4)next week.

Hope you are all enjoying your (shortened) day!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hello Parents!

As you know from your child, biographies are on there way to completion. Most students should be in the process of typing their famous American Biography report. A few were able to finish at school, but only a small amount due to my limited number of oomputers in the classroom. I will show the students the grading rubric tomorrow(Monday) which will tell them what is expected of their speech and poster. The rubric will range from a 1(the lowest score) to a 4(the highest score). I showed them a video from last years 3rd grade students, so they should have an idea about how to do their presentation. I will send a sign up sheet around this week and we will begin presenting next Tuesday, March 11. Typed reports and posters should be completed by this Friday, March 7. Reports turned in after this Friday will drop a grade until turned in. I'd like to have this graded for their report cards. If anyone is interested in video taping the presentations, please let me know by the end of this week. Again, I thank you for all that you do and the support you give me.