Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Despite the weather on Friday, our field trip to the MAH in Downtown Santa Cruz, was a success. Thanks to all the parents who were able to come. A big thanks to the Miller's for stepping in to drive last minute! This Thursday we are still scheduled to attend the Peter Rabbit Performance at the Mello Center. I also wanted to give you a heads up regarding another field trip on February 25th to the Cabrillo College Planetarium. If you'd like to see what will be covered, you can go to: (That should get you to the instructor's page). Mr. Nolthenius only has times on Mondays at 1:00. This field trip will extend beyond the school day by about 30 minutes. If your child attends Magic Apple afterschool, I will try to arrange for a parent to take those students there. The remaining students will be brought back to school probably by around 2:30-2:45. I'll send permission slips home in a week or so.

Tomorrow, I'll send home the weekly reports, as usual. Please take a look at your child's multiplication test. This was given a week ago to let me know where they are at. Over the next few weeks, take the time to help practice the facts that are still unfamiliar.

Let's have a good week!

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