Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 18-22, 2013

Hello parents! The packet for Trapped by the Ice will go home Monday and is due Friday. A reminder that Famous American Speeches will be held the following Monday, March 25 and Tuesday, March 26. Please be sure your child practices at home and is well prepared. As mentioned in my letter, you are more than welcome to watch your child give his/her  speech to the class. If you have any questions about the presentation, please email me.

A letter written by your child was sent home last week (3/13) regarding playground rules. Spring Fever is in full bloom and many students have forgotten, or shall I say "are not following the playground rules." All 3rd grade classes discussed the rules during PE and wrote them down to review with you and sign.

If you have any wipes or pencils, they would be greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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