Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jan. 22-25, 2013

Hope you are all enjoying a gorgeous 3 day weekend. I love when we have 70 degree weather in the middle of winter!

Anyway, it was great seeing all of the alert and smiling faces last week. Kids were energetic and jumped right back into the swing of things. With this being a 4 day week, a spelling review packet will go home Tuesday and is due on Friday. A spelling test on these review words will be on Friday as well. Students will have a quick 10 point quiz on solid shapes in math on Tuesday. We will then begin division (CH 12). I'm giving a multiplication quiz weekly now until the end of the school year. Students should continue practicing these facts thoroughly throughout the year.

Students also need to have a famous American book picked out by Jan 22. The attached book report will be due in early February. If you didn't receive this before winter break let me know and I will send a new one with your child.

Have a wonderful 3 day weekend!

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