Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 2012

Hello! This week a Theme 1-Spelling Review packet will be sent home with the reading log and multiplication facts page. This will be due Friday. Students will not have math homework the night of Halloween. They'll be happy about that! Our Halloween parade will begin at 8:15 in the upper grade playground. We will have our class party from 9:55-11:05. (Thank goodness for the short day!). If you would like to volunteer please let me know. We will have several "centers" going on; art, cookie decorating, spooky musical chairs, and one more activity. Students are allowed to wear their costumes to school. They are not allowed to bring anything that is inappropriate.

On October 22, our school began RTI. Things are going well so far and it's great having a smaller class during the reading block. Please be sure your child comes to school on time. Students come into the class at 7:55 and we begin right away until 9:00. Kids who have come in late seem a bit disoriented as we have already begun working.

Thank you to those who sent in wipes and pencils. With flu season approaching, it's nice to wipe down the desks on a regular basis. Lice is also going around again, so be sure to take precautions when play dates are scheduled.

Have a wonderful Halloween!

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