Sunday, June 3, 2012

Last Week of School June 4-8

Hello parents! Can't believe it's already that time of year to say goodbye. As we end our last week, I hope that all of your children have a chance to reflect on what they've learned in 3rd grade. It's been a pleasure teaching them this year even though I was on maternity leave. They have all grown and matured so much since August. Tomorrow, Monday, we will have a small class talent show. If you'd like to come it begins at 10:00. Studentd will receive yearbooks if they ordered them in the morning. Also this Wednesday is our end of the year party at Seacliff. Please send in your permission forms and $5.00 if you haven't yet. We are in need of 2 more drivers. Friday dismissal will be at 10:50. I will send report cards home with your child. If there is any outstanding balance with library, I can leave the report card in the office to pick up. A big thank you to all of the parents who volunteered in one way or another this year. You truly are a gift and I appreciate all you do. I wish you all well this summer! Best Regards, Athena Maraldo

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